XIMIVOGUE New Store in Cyprus


Sincere wishes and congratulations on the grand opening of XIMIVOGUE's new store in Cyprus!



  • Ideal store location


It is widely known that the right location is the key factor to attracting customers. An ideally located store usually has a strong loyal following and is competitive to trade well.


A good example is this new store opened in Cyprus. It is well-located in Larnaca, which is one of the famous seaside resorts in Cyprus. Known for its laid-back atmosphere, Larnaca is also in a prime position for business.


Located in a popular shopping mall which has a dense population, this new store in Cyprus is bound to be successful. 

Clear and tidy layout


  • Large store area


The store area is another element that affects a store’s sales. Covering a large area of more than 150 square meters, this new store provides a vast range of XIMIVOGUE daily products for customers, which can satisfy most of their demands and add the finishing touch to their life.

Various XIMIVOGUE products


  • Attractive store promotion


Effective store promotions are good ways for both the store and the brand to establish direct contact with customers. This is quite important to help customers remember the store and brand by interactions.


By means of funny games and giveaways, this new store has attracted lots of customers to make initial and repeat purchases.


Cheers to the success of this new store and best wishes for a prosperous business!

Media Contact

Email: info@ximiso.com

Phone: +86-20-66600099

Website: https://www.ximiso.com
